Individuals and organizations that have contributed significantly to historic preservation in Tucson and Pima County will be recognized at the annual Historic Preservation Awards Ceremony hosted by the Tucson‒Pima County Historical Commission (T-PCHC). The event is free and open to the public.
Date: Sunday, May 19, 2024
Time: 2‒4 p.m.
Place: Historic San Pedro Chapel, 5230 E. Fort Lowell Rd., Tucson, AZ 85712
The T-PCHC’s mission is to foster awareness and preservation of historic sites, structures, districts, and character in our community. The Tucson Mayor and City Council, City of South Tucson, and Pima County Board of Supervisors appoint its members.
Awards will be presented in two categories:
The Alene Dunlap Smith and Paul Smith Award to those who have demonstrated a high level of dedication and long-term commitment toward historic preservation.
The Historic Preservation Award to those projects whose contributions to preservation have had a significant impact at the community level.
2024 Historic Preservation Awards will be given for/to:
Long-Term Commitment to Preservation of the San Pedro Chapel
Fort Lowell Museum Restoration and Program Revitalization
Purchase, Preservation, and Restoration of the Ball-Paylore House (2306 E. Waverly St.)
Rehabilitation of the Bolsius House at 5495 East Fort Lowell Road
Rehabilitation of the Jacobson House at 5645 North Campbell Avenue
Restoration of the Clement Fountain
Restoration of the Teatro Carmen and Black Elks Club Façades
Barrio San Antonio National Register Nomination and Listing
Establishment of the African American Museum of Southern Arizona
Celebration of Traditional Tohono O’odham Agricultural Practices at Mission Garden
Support of Historic Preservation Initiatives in Tucson’s Rio Nuevo District
Ajo Arts Weekend - Street Art Happening
Restoration of the Papago United Presbyterian Church
Tucson Museum of Art: A Centennial History 1924–2024
Quitobaquito Cultural Landscape Report
David Leighton’s “Street Smarts” Column in the Arizona Daily Star
Determination of Eligibility for the Tucson Federal Building
Stabilization of the Casa Córdova
Stabilization and Refinishing of the East Tower, Mission San Xavier del Bac
The 2024 Alene Dunlap Smith and Paul Smith Award will be presented to Steve Kozachik, former Tucson Ward 6 Council Member. As a dedicated member of the Tucson City Council, he consistently advocated for the preservation of our city's historic neighborhoods and downtown landmarks.
For more information, contact Teresita Majewski, Tucson‒Pima County Historical Commission, 520-907-9677,