Recognizing & Interpreting Historical Materials
Are you a professional archaeologist, current student, historian, or individual just interested in learning more about historical archaeology and how to recognize and interpret historical materials? The Historical Archaeology Advisory Committee (HAAC), Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and Arizona Preservation Foundation (APF) are presenting a free webinar series... and you are invited!
A Discussion of Metal Cans
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Watch the recording on our YouTube Channel!
This presentation focuses on the development of the metal can. Cans have been an important part of the American lifestyle for more than 180 years. First engineered in France (1809), the metal can was eventually adopted here in the United States, and played an important role in the course of the American Civil War. New technologies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries greatly influenced the production of metal cans. By 1914, an estimated 3 billion cans were being produced, much of which occurred in the United States. As such, it is not surprising that cans comprise a sizable proportion of historical artifacts identified on archaeological sites here in Arizona. This webinar will provide a brief commentary of cans manufactured and distributed across the United States from the latter half of the 19th century through the early 1970s.
A zoom link will be sent the day before the presentation to those who register. If you register and do not receive a link, be sure to check for the notification in spam folders. The presentation will be recorded, and the recording will be posted on the Arizona Preservation YouTube Channel.
Thomas Jones, Presenter
Tom has more than 26 years of experience in archeological investigations, historical artifact analysis, historical research and National Register nominations, documentation for HABS/HAER, and historical building inventories. Tom meets the professional requirements for Historian under the Secretary of Interior Standards. He has contributed to all forms of archaeological reports and has authored and presented papers for professional and avocational audiences. He sits on the Historical Archaeology Advisory Committee (HAAC), and was a long-time member of the Phoenix Historic Preservation Commission and Governor’s Archaeology Advisory Commission. As a member of HAAC, Tom assisted the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office in the development of inventory forms for historical in-use structures, as well as a field guide for recording structures and preparing the forms. He is intimately familiar with the documentation and evaluation of historical in-use structures.