Flagstaff, Crossroads of Heritage: Tribes, Camels, Trains, Lumberjacks, Route 66, and a Path to the Moon
Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Presentation and Q&A
This webinar explores Flagstaff’s diverse heritage, which includes archaeological and historical habitation of native peoples, a military road with camels, in use and abandoned railroads, remains relating the history of African Americans in the lumber industry, properties associated with plans for the first the moon landing, and of course Route 66. The webinar will review preservation of landscape-level Traditional Cultural Properties and intangible heritage as well as design and installation of placed-based public art.
Mark Reavis is a Heritage Preservation Officer/Neighborhood Planner for the City of Flagstaff where he is responsible for compliance with City ordinances for National Register Districts within Flagstaff, and for Section 106 reviews for Federal Undertakings, among much more. He also works for Community Preservation Design which is an architecture and community planning and design firm specializing in preserving unique quality of life aspects of the Rocky Mountain Region through creative, comprehensive and affordable implementable designs.

“It is good to be back home and on the trail after 13,000 years." Beal Military Wagon Road pack camels