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APF Digital Innovation Grant Recipients


The Arizona Preservation Foundation, with support from the Johnson Historical Museum of the Southwest, is offering competitive rapid deployment grants of up to $500 to historic preservation organizations in Arizona. The original aim of these grants was to foster digital content delivery tools in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples include virtual tours, digital exhibitions, augmented reality, and other digital tools to make historic preservation assets accessible. The grant can be used for equipment, staffing, contracting, subscription services, or other project-related costs. Applications can be submitted at any time for review by the APF Grants Committee until the funds are exhausted.. Click here to apply. Note: Information about the APF Jumpstart Grant is available here

African American Museum of Southern Arizona

Cave Creek Museum

The Cosanti Foundation

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, Scottsdale

Heritage Square Foundation, Phoenix

Mesa Historical Museum

Mesa Preservation Foundation

Museum Association of Arizona

Naco Heritage Alliance

S'edav Va'aki Museum Auxiliary, Phoenix

Tucson Historic Preservation Foundation

Vail Preservation Society

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